On this occasion we bring you a list of how to say: "Mom", in different languages from all over the world.
Everywhere, moms are a symbol of love. Let's learn how they are called in other countries because it is not so difficult and so we can surprise our moms by showing them some of these words ...
Mutti (German)
Մայրիկ (Armenian) [Mayrik]
মায়র (Bengali) [Ma-eh]
Maminka (Czech)
妈妈 (Chinese) [Mä-ma]
엄마 (Korean) [Om-ma]
Mor (Danish)
Mamá (Spanish)
Äiti (Finnish) [Aeti]
Maman (French)
დედა (Georgian) [Deda]
μαμά (Greek) [Mamá]
माँ (Hindi) [Máan]
Mom (English)
Mamma (Italian)
母 (Japanese) [Há-ha]
Mam (Dutch)
Mamãe (Portuguese)
แม่ (Thai) [Meeeeh]
Anne (Turkish)
Check the pronunciation of each one of those words in this video!
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