German is an Indo-European language belonging to the group of Western Germanic languages. It is also one of the most important languages in the world. It has about 95 million speakers in six countries, with three main centers: Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
German is an official language and it’s spoken mainly in Germany (where it’s the mother tongue of more than 95% of the population), Austria (89%), Switzerland (65%), the majority of the population in Luxembourg and Liechtenstein -where it has the status of only official language-. It is also one of the three official languages of Belgium, along with Flemish and French. And it’s spoken in Namibia too.
Dialects can be divided between those of "Low German" (or Mitteldeutsch) and those of "High German" (or Oberdeutsch).
Most German vocabulary comes from Germanic (an ancient language that no longer exists), although there is a significant number of loans from French, English (more recently) and above all, from Latin.
The western Germanic languages are a sub group of the Germanic languages. It includes, among others, English, German, Yiddish, Dutch, Afrikaans and Frisian.
Germany (or Deutschland in german), is a member of the European Union; it’s organized as a federal parliamentary republic and its capital is Berlin. Its territory holds up to16 states.
It’s the fourth largest global economy, the first in Europe, and it has been the largest merchandise exporter in the world since 2007.
For these and many other reasons, German has become one of the most important in the world and highly recommended for learning as a foreign language.
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